Tomato and Pesto Pizza

Category, CuisineDifficultyBeginner

Yields2 Servings
Prep Time5 minsCook Time15 minsTotal Time20 mins
 2 tbsp tablespoons basil pesto
 1 thin pizza base, approximately 22cm
 2 roma tomatoes, sliced
 6 balls bocconcini cheese, sliced
 Handful fresh baby basil leaves

Spread the basil pesto evenly over the pizza base. Top with the sliced tomatoes and bocconcini. Cook on a preheated pizza stone for 15 minutes. Remove from the barbecue and garnish with basil leaves.


 2 tbsp tablespoons basil pesto
 1 thin pizza base, approximately 22cm
 2 roma tomatoes, sliced
 6 balls bocconcini cheese, sliced
 Handful fresh baby basil leaves



Spread the basil pesto evenly over the pizza base. Top with the sliced tomatoes and bocconcini. Cook on a preheated pizza stone for 15 minutes. Remove from the barbecue and garnish with basil leaves.

Tomato and Pesto Pizza
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